Origin of "Bridge to U.S.A."

1. A Longing for America, and Realization of the dream

"Hamradio and me" of "Amateur Radio Forum" in the top menu explains how I got fascinated by America, and how I have been grew up by America.

-- Followings are summary of the said part of the above page --

* I met with English when I was in childhood. Spoke my first English "Hello!" to American middle-aged woman.

* After I entered a juniorhigh school, I started exchanging letters with American girl.

* After I entered a seniorhigh school, I started Hamradio, just because I wanted to talk in English with American people over the radio. However, as I did not have money to buy radio equipment which has phone mode,I built a radio for a Morse Code communication and devoted myself to have a communication by letters with american people.

* After I entered a University, I started a part-time job to get enough money to buy a radio equipment which had a phone(SSB) mode. I finally could reached to talk with american people over the radio in English. I ,of course, devoted myself to do this everyday.

* Among everyday's contacts with american people, I met Ray in Alaska, who is the benefactor of my life. I kept talking with him almost everyday for three years.

* Before I graduated from the University,I went to the U.S.A.tor a month to meet Ray and other people who had talked over the radio. I was really impressed by big nature of America, as well as a nice, "big-hearted" characters of american people.

* My standard of values, and my view of the world have been formed out through the experiecnces with America and american people, and this composed my basis in my young era.

2. From America's world to Spain's world

You may understand how I have been varied after knowing a new world of Spain, and how I finally established my standard of values and my view of the world in "1. Origin of Bridge to Spain" of " Bridge to Spain" in the top menu.

Even it's hard to see only from each country, knowing America and Spain, which are very different from each other, from Japan, in which oriental tradition and culture dominate, I could reached to see their real states including that of my own country, and could establish my standard of values as well as my view of the world.

America has been fatal existance for me, therefore I have been keeping interest in and longing for since I was in childhood. And, worldwide eyes and widened mind , which had been grew up there, allowed me to accept and understand Spain, where I could have irreplaceable experiences.

For me, there wouldn't be Spain, if America isn't there. And, if one of these two countries does not exisit, I wouldn't be here now. If I can say that Spain let me get free, it's obvious that America let me grow up to be able to get it.

I decited to build this page "Bridge to U.S.A.", so that many more people could know and enjoy a rich country ,America.

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