3. Jecheon and Yongwol

[The last renewal of this page: Aug. 19, 2002]

1. Looking for the World of a Korean feature-length great serial TV drama "Togi"

Jecheon is a country city, which is located about 110Km in the straight line to the ESE from the Seoul, going over the center of the peninsula to the east side. Yongwol is a small country city, which is located even 35Km east from Jecheon, where we could hardly find Japanese tourists.

Being impressed the most at a feature-length great serial TV drama "Togi" (A story right after the second world war, when the peninsula was divided in the North and the South, being constructed with 74 of one hour story.) of Korean SBS TV among all other Korean dramas being broardcasted through a satellite broadcasting in Japan, I just felt want to see that beautiful nature in Korean countryside with rivers and mountains, and decided to step in the area where the drama was taken.

As a matter of fact, I had not an actual idea where to vist till I arrive at Seoul. I was just enjoying a chat with a local people when we mentioned about a drama called "Togi" and the local people told me the drama is taken not very far from Seoul. I suddenly got eager to go, but nothing was well prepared. The city was Jecheon. Yes, I remember the name, as in the drama. the leading actress "Kidok" and her family lived in a small town, and from time to time, hooligans came into her town to spread their influence from a neighbor town called Jecheon. I remember there was a big bridge on a river to separate these two town as a border line, but can not remember the name of the town of Kidok. In the drama a small railway station of the country town where Kidok lived came into the scene when Kidok had a trip to Seoul. Well, it's okay, I go first, then I'll find a way! I believed that if I got to Jecheon, and ask local peoples there, maybe I could get some information about Togi, and departed for a thoughtless trip expecting for maps and peoples information. Once I decided to go, then I was kicked into the world of an old good scenery of the country of the drama, where Kidok and her families made quite a story, together with a great nature surrounded the town.

The front desk of a Hotel which I always stay in Seoul told me that there only go one train in a day to Jecheon, but there is a express bus going there every hour. So, I decided to go by bus, and got on a taxi to the bus terminal. The taxi driver (60years old) was a nice man, and we soon hit it well together. What happened to me and was important for this trip was that I asked him what would be happened if we go to Jecheon by that taxi. He picked up the conversion list for the distance to the fare, and said that there would be about 135km and would cost about JPY20,000 (about US$166.00 with exchange rate at @JPY120/US$) which is extremely cheap compared with the taxi fare in Japan. Well, I can smoke if I go in the taxi, and I will be able to enjoy trip dropping there and here on the way.... "Uhooom, sounds nice to go..", "Yeah?? Yeah!! isn't that nice? We can go...", "All right! I don't care. Let's GO!", "Yes, We Go!!" Thus, a trip on taxi began. This is what I was told later by him, but this trip was the record for him in the distance to go through out his life as a taxi driver. In the next day, on may way back to Seoul, I took an express bus, but it cost only JPY990 (US$8.00). (In Korea, all the domestic transportation systems are extremely cheap. Airplane, Train, Taxi...everything. Especially trains and buses are as cheap as free?)

2. Lake Chung-jyu area in the South of Jecheon

Trip on a Mohan(A category of high class and well secured taxi) Taxi which Mr.Uncheol Song (60years old) drives has started. Go and go on the highway.

Parking area of the highway.

Inside view of the restaurant in the parking area looked pretty much the same as one in Japan.

Outside of the restaurant, Korean rice cake was cooked and sold.

There is a sweet cream inside, and was delicious!

Mohan Taxi is relatively expensive than regular taxis, but is still less than some 10 to 30% of Japan if you go long distance. Hyundai or Daeu's high grade cars are normally used.

At a well known traffic-jam area, people came in and sell local stuffs.

If we take a look at this scene only, there would be no doubt that here is an East Asia country.

As the car reached the center portion of the peninsula, the scenery turned in a full of nature.

We at last got at Jecheon!

Down town Jecheon.

Although being a country city, the center part is well crowded. Towns in Korea are full of primary colors, and are so brilliant.

Driver Mr.Song ask local peoples if they would know a town where the drama "Togi" was taken.

They said there is a location village of a TV broadcast station where historical dramas were taken, although they were not sure if it were "Togi" or not. Wow! Is it a location village for SBS? "Togi"'s place? Go! Go to the huge lake called Chung-jyu, in the South of Jecheon!

Good scenery! Close to the one I used to see in the "Togi".

Finally arrived at the North East edge of the Lake Chung-jyu.

So quiet here. hard to see peoples here.

At a pass on the way, lots of large strange rocks presented a resting place.

It says 'This is a field studio facility of "KBS Jecheon Studio" for KBS(Korea Broadcast Station)'s historical dramas in and after the Korai era, such as "Morning of the Empire"'

The drama in this poster would be one of them?

Though it was disappointing that this is not for SBS(Seoul Broadcast Station)'s facility for "Togi"...

it was something to see around, as old Korean country houses are well reappeared just same as one I saw in Swon last spring .

Although the "Togi" is a story right after the second world war, and much after the these eras, even in those days in these regions or in mountainous area, these houses were still remained and used.

Last spring, when I visited Swon as my first trip to out of Seoul, I visited "Korean Folk Village", where I was so impressed with seen a lot of old style houses. However, I was unlucky enough to break a memory card of digital camera with which I took 100 pictures in that village, and I had bee discouraged for a half year since then. This time, I was lucky to be given a chance for "recovery shots"!

We knew "Togi" is not here, and try to check Yongwol which is 35Km East of Jecheon. Well, to start again, let's eat a lunch at a drive-in!

Among traditional Korean common folks out-foods, Jyahjyah-meng and Neng-myong (Both are Noodles). This is iced Neng-myong for the summer season.

For Mr.Song who is doing a lot of effort finding "Togi" coming over far away from Seoul, I invited a lunch as I was so much impressed by his kind.

I was so lucky to be able to know such a nice person. We are good friends already!

3. Yongwal area and Jecheon at nigt

Towards Yongwol run and run in moutain road.

Fill the tank of Taxi at a LPG stand.

Finally, arrived at Yongwol!

A small and a quiet town.

First experience to stay in "Motel". A "Motel" is a category between a "Korean inn" and a "Hotel", and is very common place to stay for the Korean tourists, which is very cheap and clean. Mr.Song left to get back to Seoul, requesting me to use his taxi again tomorrow from the Hotel in Seoul where I left my big baggage to the Inchon Airport. He left me his phone number and promised me to pick me up at 2:00PM at the Hotel in Seoul. It was a long trip to here from Seoul, leaving 9:00AM at Seoul, arriving here 4:00PM. Take care for driving back to Seoul, Mr.Song!

The room is a Ondol-room (A room with the traditional floor heating system)!! It does not make any sense for this season, but sleeping with very thin bedding and bedclothes on the roomy hard floor is a very typical Korean style which I saw many times in Korean drama and I have bee longing for.

With a separate Bath/toilet room, it is hard to believe that it cost only JPY3,000 (US$25.00 with a exchange rate @JPY120/US$)!

After getting settle at the Motel, I started the "Togi" search again...

Express bus terminal at Yongwol.

Tepek Railways' Yongwol station.

Get the taxi in front of the station. When I could not speak Korean, I could never use regular taxi but Mohan taxi, but now, I have no hesitation to get any taxis. As I told the driver that I was looking for Togi's place, he was so kind to called up his friends on the phone, asking them information. However, nobody knew information. He asked his friends to continue investigation further. Meanwhile, I decided to visit a several view points near the town.

Get on a boat to across the rive to visit a view points called "Chong-Ryong-Po".

On the way to the view point, we dropped in "King Tanjong's residence Site" who was the sixth monarch of the Chonson Kingdom, and was deposed to exiled to here in 1457.

Using dolls, life style was well reappeared. It was something like watching historical drama.

here is a kitchen.

Big jars place outside of the house are very common in traditional Korean life style. They are for making and storage Kimchi and Miso.

A furnace for Ondol heating system for the house in winter. Make fire here and a smoke runs below the flooring before it reaches to chimney.

The system is very essential for old Korean houses.

After 10 minutes walk and climb from the Residence Site, we reached to the wonderful view point! This is "Chong-Ryong-Po".

Taxi driver, Mr.Ho still tried hard to communicate with his friends to get information for "Togi"

Here is "Po-Tok" temple in mountain, which was built in 668.

Here is a view point called "Son-dol" where we can enjoy wonderful view above the huge strange rocks.

Mr.Ho's friend give us an information that Togi's town seems to be located in North in mountains, which is one hour drive form here. However, it was already sunset time, and we had to give up for this time.

But, nothing was sorry. The reason was such many kind peoples had done a lot of effort to find "Togi" for me..... and this is more than anything to me.

Besides, I could enjoy such a wonderful nature.

Moreover, we could reached to the place where is not the exactly the place, but had very similar scenery that I had seen many times in the drama "Togi".

At night, I decided to visit Jecheon again, where the hooligans came from in "Togi", and ask Mr.Ho to take me there, and got off his taxi.

Night town in Jecheon.

Kalbi restaurant! Oh, yeah, eat Kalbi tonight!

Kalbi and bowel were set on the charcoal stove.

Sunny lettuce and green leaves are essential for Korean roast meat. Put a piece of cooked meat on those leaves, adding miso, etc. and put them all in the mouth.

Looks so tired...

In the Korean restaurant, even if you order only one plate, then ten side dishes will be delivered together.

This is a crab with hot miso.

When finishing almost everything, they asked you "Would you like to have a meal?" (Till that part is not suppose to be a meal. May considered to be alcohol and relish.) "Yes, please!" follows them to bring you a bowl of cooked rice and a very hot miso-soup in a steal pan which is still on the boil making sounds.

Oh, perfect!!

Enjoyed karaoke in the "Koraoke Room", where a young beautiful lady accompanies with. (Choice is available among some ladies)

Is the below the nose stretched ?? (This is a typical Japanese expression for the man expecting something from a lady.)

After the midnight, got back to the Motel in Yongwol in taxi. The first experience to sleep on a thin bedding on the hard floor!

After a long day, I was tired enough to fall in a deep sleep right away till the morning.

Yongwol in the morning.

Find the breakfast... No place being opened yet.

Oh, the market as opened!

Found a restaurant in the market!

I ordered a "Jige set", which the madam recommended for this morning. Of course, the Jige came in hot and boiled in a steal pan. One thing I was surprised was an egg. I gave it a hit, as I believed it a boiled egg, but was raw. If it were in Japan, we put it on the rice with soy source and eat them after the scramble with chopsticks, however, it was hard to believe the Korean would do the same. Yes, I drank it all like a juice, and it is the way people does in Korea.

I got on an express bus for Seoul. The end of the trip is coming soon.

I Dropped in Jecheon as the third time. The bus terminal in Jecheon.

A bus stop on the way. It says "Jecheon -- Okcheon (here) -- Wonjyu". Wonjyu is located on the one third of the way from Youngwol to Seoul. It seemed that I got on a slow bus to go to Seoul which gets on the highway from Wonjyu, although I intended to get on an express one to go to Seoul direct, which get on the highway right away.

However, due to my mistake, I could enjoy the scenery on the way.

The bus got in Wonjyu

East Seoul Tool Gate of the highway which we got on at Wonjyu.

Finally, the bus arrived at the East Seoul Bus Terminal.

This is the one I got on.

In front of the Royal Hotel in Myong-Dong, Seoul, I met with Mr.Song Un-chol who took me to Youngwol on his Mohan Taxi! He took me on his taxi to the Inchon Airport, and of course, on the way, we raved over what we both had experienced since we parted yesterday.

According to his story, he had been working as a truck driver in Saudi Arabia for 12 years. (Korean peoples are actively working in overseas countries more than Japanese peoples do.) The time then was the era of President Pak Junghee in Korea, and when he was assassinated, his wife disappeared in social confusions. He then came back to Korea, and has been working as a taxi driver living alone. To my question "Remarriage?", he said "I'll never trust women! Ahahahaha...". He seemed to be enjoying a comfortable life alone.

Beyond this bridge is the Inchon Airport.

We finally got to the airport. I have to part with Mr. Song Un-chol, with whom we spent such a wonderful time together. Well, surprising. He does not accept Won700,000 (about US$60.00 at @JPY120/US$) which is the payment of the fare of today. He said "I was so happy yesterday, that I just wanted to send you off today!" What is the most valuable thing in the trip is to touch with the people's warm heart in foreign place, isn't it? There is no doubt that I decided to ask him his Taxi every time I visit Korea from now.

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