Origin of "Bridge to Korea"

[The last renewal of this page: Dec.19, 2000]

= A paradise in "Spain in the west and Thailand in the east" where I reached from the U.S.A., and Korea as a root of Japan =

'Bridge to Korea' forum has been founded as the fourth forum in "Bridge to foreign country" series of the MAFNET.

The fact that I encountered with Spain when I was 32 years old was a revolution for me, who started crating a view of the world with U.S.A. that I loved so much in my young days. This may be clear if you read "Origin of Bridge to Spain" in the "Bridge to Spain" forum.

And the fact that I encountered with Thailand 15 years after that, a country of which I only used to know by story, to know that even in this part of the world there exist a wounderful "Latin" world with a plenty of attractions which Spain does not have, let me add a new axises (eastern's and western's) to the Latin world.
This actually strengthened my view of the world more solid, and this may be clear if you read "Bridge to Thailand" forum.

After all of these experiences, I happened to have a chance to visit Korea for a business trip. Honestly saying, Korea had been a country colosest to Japan geographically, but there was a wall between us psychologically due to a cruel history in the past.

However, through my actual visit to Korea, I found its language and cultures are so close to ours, and their ideas with courtesy together with a mind to respect people, love people purely as a tradition of the Far Eastern race, which we have lost under sudden westernization after the World War in Japan, are still alive, as a root of Japan.
Now I love Thailand very much, but as a japanese, what I need to do now is to know more about Korea ,which is a root of japanese mind and culture, to make it clear the axises of my coordinate and love the fact that I am a japanese.

Thus, I decided to open this "Bridge to Korea" forum. I would feel very happy if other japanese people like me, as well as those foreigners who try to understand japanese take steps to have an interest in Korea with me.

written on 2000.12.19

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