Image QSO (Slow Scan TV)
[The last renewal of this page: April 30, 2000]
1. Recommendation of SSTV
With the SSTV mode, we can exchange a color picture over the radio with
DX stations in just a few minutes. This makes a ragchew more fun, and
sometimes we forget about the time is passing by, as we feel as if we were
chatting each other sitting on the couch in the same room.
Nowadays, we can enjoy the SSTV without paying a lot of money as before.
First of all,I recommend following softwares.
If you have a video capture system in your computer such as scanner or
digital camera. all you have to do is to assemble a simple interface
circuit( will cost you about 10 bucks ), and get free software called
"JV-FAX" writen by DK8JV. JVFAX was originaly designed for FAX, and
you can get beautiful weather FAX. It also has a function of autosave
as it monitors SSTV images. It's a DOS program, and runs very fast.
You can use old P/Cs which you never can use for Windows95.(CPU486/20MHz
/RAM 4MB is OK!) This software is recommendable for those who want to
begin SSTV, and is also recommendable for monitoring system.
If you have Windows95, this software will be the best choice. W95SSTV is
a shareware, written by N7CXI and VE3EC. You need to pay US$50.00 for
the registration, however, you can enjoy the trial version if you accept
using only BMP files. It contains a painting tools being linked with the
main software. Anyway, the software is for Windows95, therefore, you can
run other related software at the same time to support your operations.
You don't need any special interfaces to hook it up with your radios.
All you need is a pair of shielded cable to get connections between AUX
IN/OUT jacks on the soundboard of your computer and Microphon/Speaker
jacks of your radio.
That's easy more than expected. and the pictures are beautiful more than
expected. 14.227MHz, 14.230MHz, and 14.233MHz are where you have to go.
I'm always monitoring on 7.033MHz, or 14.230MHz when I 'm in the shack,
with a exclusive computer for this purpose running JV-FAX. Just monitoring
all the time is also a lot of fun. When I make a QSO in this mode, I use
the W95SSTV with my main computer. In this way, I can monitor my own
transmission with the JV-FAX also.
2. Other SSTV Software
3. Interface
A small equipment to interface between P/C and radio. Each software needs a different type of interface.
Sound Card
This type of interface has advantage as current P/Cs are sold with a sound
card built-in, and you do not have to accept additional expenses.
Original Interface
You have to purchase an interface(board) exclusively designed for the
Hardware sold in the market.
You need additional expeses. Certain type of hardware such as TASCO
TSC-70 has a video output terminal to connect to the TV set directly to
realize monitoring without P/C, which is very conveniente for mobile
Hamcomm Style
This type of interface is well used in many softwares, and its easy to
built with just a little expense.
Homebrew Simple Type Interface (Cost for parts:US$10 A namecard's box
is just fitable!)
A very simple type comparator, but works 100% OK. (JVFAX)
Schematic for Homebrew Simple Type Interface
This is the Hamcomm Standard Interface.
4. Sample Pictures
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