Small animals in Fiji

== Familiar small animals in the neighborhood ==

[The last renewal of this page: October 23, 2013]

I have never try to chase small animals with a special interest,but I just collected pictures that I have happened to taken so far here.
In Fiji, which is a country with full of greens and nature, there may exist so many small animals as many as we never be able to follow them up.


From the balcony of my cottage, I happened to find a Jawa Mongoose was running in the garden.
It is very common to be faced to a mongoose running across the road with a super high speed.
They run keeping their tail which has a hard core in it stretched horizontally in a straight line from the head to the end of the tail, keeping it without any vertical movement all the way. They just move their legs with a very high speed only. This scene is abolutely impressive.

I saw them sometimes from the balcony, but their running speed is so high and move agilely, that it was very hard to see their face and there was no way to get them in a picture. However, I was lucky enough to get a great chance today.
Furthermore, he was standing still and watching me! This was absolutely a valuable shot. (This picture is trimmed and enlarged the previous picture)

The stye to keep the tail and body being stretched in a line horizontally is a characteristic feature. I have never seen such an animal before.


There mey be a lot who would say "Oh No! Help me!" In Fiji, Geckos (It is called Geko here ) are so popular and exist unbelievable numbers, and we can find them creeping about anywhere, such as around the house, under the eaves, in every room in the house, and in the offices.
They eat harmful insects such as mosquitoses and gnats, and do nothing bad against a human, so there is nobody here in Fiji who has an unpleasant sensation nor hates them.

They are sticking to the ceiling of the balcony being turned upside down.

This one is also sticking to the ceiling of the balcony being turned upside down.
Geckoes in Fiji actually cry in a loud voice to a surprising degree all day. In the beginning, I thought a kind of birds were crying, but later I recognized that they also cry in a loud voice even at night somewhere in the house, and then I undrestood they were Geckoes.
Cuetz!Cuetz!Cuetz!Cuetz!Cuetz!Cuetz! is how they cry just like a bird.  It is very strage that such loud voice comes out from such a small body.
Watching carefully, he has black round eyes. Oh, isn't that cute??


I found a lizard sticking to the body of a big tree just in front of the balcony.
It has a fresh color.

The reason why the color of the tail is in a different color is because it is a regrown one after cutting off the old one?

It is hard to tell which is more unpleasant a gecko or a lizard...


Frogs are very common in Fiji too. This one is called as Fiji Ground Frog, and they are living on the ground. (There are another kind of frogs called Fiji Tree Frog, which have sticky feet like geckos.)

He is very gentle and calm.

They are jumping around the property of Skylodge Hotel in which my cottage is located.

The size is just a few centimeters. They are small and cute frogs. (The lighter being left on the ground for comparison is 8cm long.)

Isn' he cute?

As I staring him fixedly, I feel something like friendly feelings.

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